Jedi Simon Research

Four Types of Synchronicity

It has become clear to me that although synchronicity may be described in terms of a specific type of event, there are subcategories that it is useful to explore and understand.  I have labeled these forms of synchronicity (synch) as Predictive, Guiding, Reflective, and Ego Testing.

1. Predictive Synchronicity

PS is a form of synch that diminishes the ego's grasp on reality.  For example, you may be driving down the road and notice a license plate which contains the 3 letters BRD, which makes you think of the word "bird."  A few seconds later you see a flock of birds in the distance.  This kind of event breaks down your socialized understanding of reality because you see the connection between the two events, yet were most likely taught by mainstream society that such things don't occur.  You were taught that there is no relationship between license plates and birds.

2. Guiding Synchronicity

GS is a subset of Predictive Synchronicity.  GS not only contains an inherent predictive element, but gives guidance that is actually helpful.  Imagine that you have associated the song "Crash" by Dave Matthews Band with an actual car crash that you saw while listening to the song two weeks prior.  The song now comes on the radio again as you are driving in a somewhat inattentive, sleepy state.  As you hear the song your memory of the car crash you saw brings you to a more present, alert state, and you notice the car in front of you quickly changing lanes to avoid a very slow vehicle ahead of it.  You slow down and change lanes, avoiding a vehicle you may have hit if you weren't paying attention.  This form of synch has important implications as it requires the idea that you are protected and guided by a force you may not fully understand, yet with faith in this force you will increase your safety and well-being.

3. Reflective Synchronicity

The two previous types of synch I mentioned both relate to future events.  Reflective synchronicity does not have a predictive element but does relate to what is going on in the present.  For example, you begin thinking about a friend of yours as you turn to a different radio station and notice as you're thinking about him/her that you hear that person's name in a song or an advertisement.  This doesn't necessarily "mean" anything about that person or your relationship to him/her (it doesn't mean anything "good" or "bad" in relationship to that person).  It is simply another way the Universe is designed to break down your socialized understanding of how things work, by demonstrating that events/thoughts (external and internal occurrences) are interrelated.

4. Ego Testing Synchronicity

ETS is a form of synch which I believe much of that which has previously been written about synch does not address.  One of the most common forms of ETS that occurs is thinking of a potential or "ex" romantic partner and then immediately hearing a song that may lead to feelings of passion and connection.  Wherever the ego is fixated (sex, money, power, popularity, etc.) there will be tests that assist the conscious-seeking individual with becoming less attached.  Because sex is a powerful, biologically rooted drive it is often a major fixation of the ego that can lead to self-created suffering.  Therefore synchronistic events related to "objects of desire" are often a test for one to see if the desire stems from a "healthy" or "unhealthy" drive.  This of course is subjective, and you have an opportunity to assess for yourself the usefulness of your goals and motivations.  A potential danger of a superficial understanding of synch is to interpret all coincidences in accordance with your ego's fixations, instead of discriminating between that which is congruent and that which is a sign of attachment.

The four types of synch listed above are, of course, interrelated and you can find situations in which more than one definition applies.  The main purpose of this article is to help us begin to conceptualize synch in a more complex manner.  Synch does not always mean something profound, or predictive, or good, or bad.  As you notice synchronistic experiences, observe how you make sense of them, and what meaning you create (or don't create) in relationship to these events.

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 Jedi Simon Search 2009. Invisible Sun.