Sull'utilizzo di alcune frequenze specifiche utilizzate a fini
e sulla credulità, deficienza, stupidità, idiozia, mostrata da parte di
alcuni Guru dell'età moderna, nell'affrontare la cosa, confrontarsi con tali
e risolverli
come solo sanno fare loro, e cioè, guadagnandoci qualcosa sulla
pelle dei polli che ci credono. Commento accluso ad un Blog a caso, trovato in
Siate seri per cortesia, smettetela di dire stupidaggini. Se realmente questi
sono i parametri del vostro programma, sappiate che con un peso di 362 kb, in
effetti, è come se steste utilizzando su tecnologia aliena avanzatissima, un
programmino che girava circa 25 anni fa su dos. Questa roba, è passata già di
moda circa una ventina di anni fa, quando sugli Spectrum, i Vic 20, e gli Atari,
ai primordi della musica moderna, sui primi computer disponibili ad uso civile,
i programmatori e i ragazzi di 15 anni, all’epoca, si divertivano a produrre
suoni del genere. A quel tempo si scriveva in basic, st basic, e si realizzavano
sequenze e note, treni di impulsi, e sonorità, che successivamente avrebbero
invaso il mercato dei giochi elettronici. Si parlava di un oscillatore
solamente, e quando arrivarono i primi pc con potenzialità maggiori, finalmente
anche gli accordi furono possibili assieme con la polifonia. Il tutto, però
limitato da linguaggi che ponevano comunque limiti alla espressione creativa
stessa sia dei programmatori che dei musicisti. Quindi, se voleste riconsiderare
l’idea di utilizzare queste frequenze, a fini curativi, ve ne sarei grato.
Arrivate non solo con venti anni di ritardo rispetto a quanto è accaduto, ma con
un centinaio rispetto a studi scientifici fatti in proposito dei quali non
sapete nulla di nulla. Queste mistificazioni, sono il risultato di deviazioni
riproposte e rivendute costantemente per abbindolare i creduloni, gli stolti, e
coloro i quali, decerebrati da questo sistema di informazione, sono stati
educati al click optativo della neuro programmazione mnemonica attuale. Questi
sono i parametri del programma, sui quali potreste avere la possibilità di
Tone Generator Applications
Generate test tones for radio audio level alignment
Calibration and testing of sound equipment or speakers
Reference tone generation for tuning musical instruments
Demonstration of audio principles to students
Acoustics testing and equalization
Quality control and testing of sound cards
Create harmonics by generating multiple sound frequencies
White noise generator
Audio band signaling
Hearing tests (under suitable medical supervision)
Tone Generator Features
Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tooth waveform and
impulse sound waves
White noise and pink noise generator
Supports sound frequencies from 1Hz to 22kHz bandwidth
(subject to sound card output capabilities)
Simultaneous tone generation (up to 16 tones can be created at once)
Mono or separate stereo operation (ideal to create dual tones or ‘beats’)
Log or linear tone sweep generation
Play generated tones or save tones as a wav file
( Qui si parlava di NCH tone generator )
Come si può evincere da ciò, siamo esattamente nei limiti compresi da un
floppy disk, e ci muoviamo all’interno di contenuti dell’epoca, con una
polifonia che lo Spectrum 256, o il Vic 128, erano in grado di realizzare già
allora. Se solo se ne fossero accorti!!!! Chissa quali benefici ne avrebbe
tratta l’umanità!!!
Scherzi a parte, vi pregherei di non utilizzare coltelli tanto consumati per
fare questo tipo di lavori.
Oggi si parla di campionamenti d’onda del peso di un qualche giga solo per uno
strumento, campionato nota per nota, a 5 livelli diversi, alla 128esima
armonica, in laboratori professionali che neppure potete immaginare. Di sintesi,
poi, quelle che offrite qui, sono a di poco ridicole.
Ma dove siete stati in questi ultimi 25 anni?
Vi racconto quello che è accaduto nel frattempo in poche parole, e passi
pratici, dato che qui si parla, si parla, si straparla….
Elenco di sintetizzatori a sintesi sottrattiva
Moog Modular
ARP Odyssey
ARP Axxe
ARP Chroma
Roland serie Jupiter
Elka synthex
Farfisa Sound Maker 11122E
Oberheim OB-XA
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
Sequential Circuits Prophet 600
Yamaha CS80
Korg MS-10
Korg Polysix
Elenco di sintetizzatori a sintesi additiva
Kawai K5
Hammond A100
Elenco di sintetizzatori a sintesi FM
Yamaha DX7
Yamaha DX21
Yamaha FS1R
Korg DS-8
Macchine ibride
Yamaha SY22 – rompler 12bit + FM 2op – vettoriale
Sequential Circuits Prophet VS – rompler 12bit + filtri analogici – vettoriale
Ensoniq SQ80 – rompler 8bit + filtri analogici + AM
Korg Poly800 – DCO + sintesi additiva rudimentale + filtro analogico
Korg Wavestation – Wavesequence + filtro digitale non risonante – vettoriale
PPG Wave2 – Wavetable + filtri analogici
Yamaha FS1R – FM 8op + Formant Synthesis
Korg Z1 – MOSS – vettoriale
Korg DSS-1 – campionamento 12bit + sintesi additiva + filtro analogico
Roland D50 – LAS + rompler – vettoriale
Kawai K1 – rompler 8bit + AM – vettoriale
Commodore SID 6581 – DCO + RingMod + filtro analogico
Kurzweil K2600 – VAST
…. e ora siamo alle WORKSTATIONS, che contengono circa 5 generazioni di macchine
del genere, capaci di memoria artificiale elevata alla 3, di oltre mille
oscillatori, polifonie da orchestra sinfonica, e altre piccole couscce che
neppure immaginate lontanamente.
Andatevi quindi a leggervi i libretti delle istruzioni e le caratteristiche
tecniche di queste macchine,
e vi farete una idea un pochino più fondata e vicina alla realtà di certi
argomenti, possibilità ed eventuali usi delle stesse.
E, dal momento che oggi si parla di virtualizzazione delle macchine, sappiate
che potreste facilmente scaricarvi qualcuno di questi antichi sintetizzatori che
hanno fatto la storia della musica, direttamente da internet, anche
gratuitamente, e potreste utilizzarli sul vostro pc, con qualche programma
specifico, per registrarci un po di musica ed essere creativi, come accade oggi,
con pochi soldi o addirittura nessuno. I limiti saranno quelli dei computer, e
delle schede audio, ma ormai, si procede nel senso puramente virtuale delle
sintesi, non accompagnato quasi più da moduli e tastiere fisiche, ma da master
keybords e periferiche esterne capaci di controllarne le funzioni.
Si assiste quindi, come al solito, alla volgarizzazione materiale degli
strumenti sempre più accessibili, e nel contempo, all’abbassamento del livello
delle arti verso il volgo, in favore di una creatività incapace di cogliere,
vedere, conoscere, e di poter esprimere, concetti, contenuti, idee, bellezza e
conoscenza, attraverso procedimenti tanto veloci e fruitivi, da porle
esattamente ove essa si trova, ossia, nel dominio della discontinuità del Kali
yuga, e di tutti i suoi contenuti, vacui, e privi di sostanza, risonanza e
Ecco come si ridimensionano certi discorsi, pensieri, idee, e persone, che
credono di sapere, insegnare e consigliare, senza sapere quello che fanno.
Quello che è stato. Quello che potremmo davvero fare.
I limiti di quanto siete e vi dimostrate essere, sono davvero sorprendenti!!! Ma
non c’e’ da meravigliarsi affatto di ciò, poichè i figli dell’ignoranza, non
sono in grado di sostenere alcun discorso lineare che duri più di 5 minuti su
qualsiasi argomento. E questo limite si sta contraendo.
Pertanto, vi consiglierei disciplina ferrea, attenzione, meditazione,
concentrazione e sviluppo delle capacità propriocettive della deduzione,
intuizione e discriminazione, che vi mancano, a quanto pare.
Fate buon uso di questi consigli e lasciate perdere le vibrazioni.
In futuro, quando avrete praticato, quello che vi ho indicato, allora, forse,
potrete riavvicinarvi a certi argomenti e affrontarli con cognizione di causa.
Per quanto riguarda lo stato dell'arte, vi rimando a questo manuale di istruzioni di una delle più avanzate Workstations del mondo. Vi pregherei quindi, se non leggete l'inglese, o non avete voglia di affrontare una tale mole di conoscenze, di lasciar perdere. Il manuale semplificato è di più di 200 pagine, mentre quello completo della Workstation, che ne spiega le diverse funzioni in dettaglio, misura più di 1200 pagine, quindi, traete da voi le conclusioni del discorso. Si parla di Architettura aperta, pertanto, di argomenti ed applicazioni di scienze diverse, integrate in uno strumento versatile e capace di molteplici funzioni. Naturalmente, da questa workstation, che fu il maggiore sforzo di questo tipo mai compiuto da parte di tutte le case costruttrici di Sintetizzatori, poi le politiche cambiarono, quando ci si rese conto che esso era in gran parte costituito a livello interno da un computer dedicato che lavorava con un sistema nativo linux, dotato di interfaccia hardware potentissimi ed estremamente sofisticati per l'epoca.
Queste sono le informazioni sulla Workstation Oasys, che ha appena 6 anni.
At last year's Winter NAMM show, after years of rumors and speculation, Korg unveiled the OASYS, its most ambitious synthesizer workstation ever. Touted as the culmination of Korg technology, it encompasses sample playback, physical modeling, DSP effects, multitrack audio and MIDI sequencing, KARMA control, and practically everything else you'd want in a self-contained music production studio. The OASYS can take you from sketching out ideas to tracking, mixing, mastering, and burning them to an audio CD completely within its confines.
FIG. 1: The OASYS integrates and advances numerous technologies from previous
Korg workstations. From its tilting touch screen to its vector joystick and
ribbon controller, it delivers a wealth of musically expressive capabilities.
The OASYS's feature list alone makes it king of the keyboard synths: a maximum
172-note polyphony, a huge variety of designer timbres, tons of hands-on
controls, plenty of expressive capabilities, and seemingly limitless programming
potential. Its tilting 10.4-inch color touch screen LCD is gorgeous. With a 40
GB hard disk, a gigabyte of RAM, more than a gigabyte of onboard samples, and
the ability to add more of all three, the OASYS furnishes more waveform data
than any previous hardware synth.
OASYS is an acronym for Open Architecture Synthesis Studio, and its core concept
is expandability. Like the OASYS PCI card that came before it (see the sidebar
“Traces of OASYS”), its sound engine depends entirely on the software that it's
running. Every time you power up the OASYS (which takes more than a minute), it
loads its operating system, synthesis and effects algorithms, and sample banks
from its hard disk. That means that you can potentially extend the OASYS's
architecture by installing new software and soundware using its built-in CD
drive. In other words, the OASYS can evolve into any synth that Korg's R&D team
All Hands on Deck
The OASYS is available in two models, one with 76 semiweighted keys, and another
with an 88-note graded hammer action. With its charcoal gray exterior, silver
aluminum trim, and large side-panel ventilation ports, the OASYS's striking
appearance distinguishes it from other keyboards (see Fig. 1). Its front panel
is a well-organized array of knobs, sliders, buttons, and joysticks. Most
buttons illuminate when they're engaged. Just beneath the display are eight
Velocity-sensitive pads for playing chords or individual notes (typically drum
samples), and you can program them differently for each Program or Combination
FIG. 2: The Mixer & Modulation section is packed with assignable knobs,
sliders, and buttons for controlling synth parameters, audio and MIDI tracks,
and even external hardware and software.
To the display's left, the OASYS's fully assignable control surface furnishes 9
sliders, 8 knobs, and 16 buttons can serve whatever mixing and modulation
purposes you desire (see Fig. 2). The sliders and knobs each have 11 LEDs that
make it easy to see their positions, even on a darkened stage. Five buttons
determine the control surface's overall function, instantly switching it from a
KARMA and a modulation panel to a mixer panel or to a Tone Adjust panel. Because
the control surface can send MIDI Control Change (CC) messages, it can also
control external MIDI devices and computer software.
To the far left is the vector joystick, illuminated by a glowing blue ring. Use
it to pan between two stereo or mono oscillators in Program mode, to pan between
four groups of Programs in Combination mode, or for almost any control function
you can dream up.
The panel's right side has buttons to select Programs, Combis, and modes; to
enter numeric data; and to trigger sampling. That's also where you'll find
sequencer transport and tempo controls. Among a cluster of four Utility buttons
is the Help button; pressing it summons text and graphics that explain the
currently selected page or controller. Such functionality wouldn't be practical
without the OASYS's large LCD, which makes reading help files just like reading
them on a computer display.
I/O and Away
Except for a single ¼-inch headphone jack up front, all inputs and outputs are
mounted on the back (see Fig. 3). The OASYS has eight individual unbalanced
¼-inch outputs and two main unbalanced ¼-inch outputs. Two analog inputs are on
balanced Neutrik combination XLR and ¼-inch jacks, each with a corresponding
phantom-power switch, mic/line switch, and level knob. The other two analog
inputs are unbalanced ¼-inch inputs. I was surprised that the OASYS has only two
balanced inputs and no balanced outputs, especially considering its suitability
for studio work.
FIG. 3: Connections for analog and digital audio, MIDI, and USB 2.0 are
located on the back panel. Two Neutrik XLR inputs supply switchable phantom
power for condenser mics.
Optical S/PDIF ports comprise the instrument's digital audio I/O (AES/EBU is not
an option). The optional EXB-DI digital interface board ($200), previously
available for the Triton, adds 8-channel ADAT Lightpipe output and a BNC
word-clock input. If you want to record four audio tracks into the OASYS at the
same time, then you'll need to use at least two unbalanced analog inputs or the
S/PDIF inputs.
Jacks for a damper pedal, an assignable pedal, and an assignable footswitch (all
optional) are above the outputs alongside single MIDI In, Out, and Thru ports.
Also on the back are four USB 2.0 ports for connecting external hard drives or
other mass media. There's currently no support for connecting the OASYS to your
computer using USB, but a flash drive is a convenient means of transferring data
between them.
Organization, Man!
The OASYS is built around a 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 CPU and has a proprietary
operating system based on Linux. Rather than adopting the entire Linux OS,
though, Korg customized only what was needed. Unlike instruments that run a
stripped-down OS originally designed for general personal computing, the OASYS
OS is built from the ground up with musical applications in mind.
The OASYS ships with 1 GB of RAM. The most recent operating system (as of this
writing, OS 1.10) supports a maximum of 2 GB, attained by adding a 1 GB PC2700
DDR333 or PC3200 DDR400 DIMM. The amount of RAM the OASYS has, of course,
determines how much data it can load at startup. Sample data is divided into the
314 MB ROM sample bank, which comprises the standard sound set, and an EXs
expansion sample library, which is loaded optionally. Korg's nomenclature is a
bit confusing, though, because the wave data isn't stored in ROM. Instead, it's
loaded into RAM from the OASYS's built-in hard disk. How much RAM you use to
load sounds determines how much is left over for user sampling.
Two EXs banks come standard with the OASYS. A 313 MB bank called EXs1 is an
extension of the standard sound set, and a 503 MB bank called EXs2 is a
beautiful multisampled Steinway concert grand piano with four Velocity layers
and sampled damper resonance for each note (EXs1 contains a 130 MB version of
the same piano). Because the standard 1 GB of RAM isn't enough to hold both EXs
banks, you must choose which one will load when you restart the OASYS (EXs1
loads by default).
The OASYS organizes Programs and Combis into seven Internal banks and seven User
banks, each with room for 128 Programs or Combis. Each Combi contains as many as
16 constituent Programs, one for each MIDI channel. Previous Korg workstations
allowed only eight Programs in a Combi.
Making Synths
The OASYS's stock voice architecture, HD-1 (High Definition), is the latest
incarnation of Korg's tried-and-true 16-bit, 48 kHz PCM sample-playback engine
and a generation ahead of the Triton's HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis. Its
modulation capabilities are impressive, and its sound is clear and pristine.
HD-1 sounds can have two stereo or mono oscillators, each with an independent
signal path. Each oscillator can layer two multisamples and generate as many as
four multisamples for crossfades and Velocity splits. As you'd expect from an
instrument with so much waveform data, the sample selection is enormous —
everything from practically any instrument you can think of to almost 300 sound
effects and well over 100 synth waveforms.
Each oscillator is routed to either one or two resonant multimode (lowpass,
highpass, bandpass, or band-reject) filters, each with a dedicated envelope
generator and a multitude of other modulation sources. Single filters can be 6-,
12-, or even 24 dB per octave, depending on the selected type. An onscreen image
displays the filter's overall response curve. The OASYS's filters sound
impressively analog, and the total absence of audible zippering when you sweep
the cutoff frequency is like nothing I've ever heard on a digital synth (see Web
Clip 1).
HD-1 has three flexible envelope generators. Each envelope has three to five
levels, and four time values determine how long it takes to move to the next
level. A Curve parameter governs whether a level changes in a straight segment
or in a linear or an exponential curve. You can modulate an envelope's time
parameters with as many as three modulation sources, and you can modulate level
parameters with as many as two sources.
One key to understanding the OASYS is the concept of AMS. It stands for
Alternate Modulation Source, but it's really any assignable modulation source.
An AMS might be a physical control such as a joystick or a slider, a MIDI
command from KARMA or from an external source, or a modulator such as an LFO or
an envelope generator. Every possible modulation destination has at least one
AMS input. In fact, many of them can receive control signals from AMS Mixers,
which combine two or more sources and allow for shaping, quantization, and other
forms of processing.
You Can Call Me AL
The OASYS's additional synthesis engines are called EXi Expansion Instruments.
The OASYS originally shipped with two EXi algorithms — a virtual analog called
AL-1 and a drawbar-organ emulation called CX-3 — and Korg has just released a
third, a plucked-string simulation called STR-1.
AL-1 effectively demonstrates just how far analog modeling has come. It offers
all the warmth and character of a real analog synth with greater programmability
and control. AL-1 has a maximum polyphony of 84 notes, and each voice has an
8-waveform audio oscillator, a 6-waveform audio oscillator, a 2-waveform
suboscillator, live audio input, a ring modulator, and a noise generator with a
fixed lowpass filter and saturation control. Five of those six sound sources are
available simultaneously.
You have complete control over the start phase of each oscillator — something
you won't get with a traditional analog synth. The most interesting waveform
choices are Saw/Pulse and Square/Triangle, which can crossfade between two
waveforms at a rate specified in the Wave Morph parameter. You can modulate the
Wave Morph parameter in real time. You can also use the ring modulator to
intentionally create and control aliasing, which is useful for certain
electronic timbres; the OASYS is the first synth I've seen offering that
In addition to all the filter types in HD-1, AL-1 features a thick and juicy
resonant Multi Filter that can crossfade between any 2 of 21 filter types. You
can assign a fixed value to the balance between the two types and modify it with
a modulation source, the depth of which can be controlled by another mod source.
AL-1 Programs each have a dedicated step sequencer that serves as a modulation
source. Use it to create melodic patterns, to automate changes in filter cutoff,
or to bring any modulation destination to life. Assign each of the 32 steps a
different duration to create complex rhythmic patterns. EXi Programs can host as
many as three simultaneous step sequencers.
B-3 and Beyond
Korg introduced the CX-3 algorithm several years ago on an electronic drawbar
organ of the same name. The OASYS's version goes so much further that it should
have been given a new name. Accomplished Hammond players will love CX-3 (and
roadies responsible for transporting real B-3s and Leslies will love it even
more). Like Korg's CX-3 keyboard, the OASYS's CX-3 emulates every detail of a
B-3 organ and a Leslie cabinet (see Fig. 4). The new CX-3 extends the original
CX3 with capabilities such as percussion on the lower drawbars and the ability
to save your own vibrato chorus presets.
FIG. 4: CX-3 effectively duplicates every control parameter of a Hammond
organ and a Leslie -cabinet, from drawbar and split settings to -independent
horn and rotor speed.
You can split the keyboard into two upper and lower halves and assign different
drawbar combinations to each. Choose a vintage or a clean tonewheel type and
emulate key click, leakage, noise, and other aspects that enhance realism. Add
percussion to the second or third harmonic and govern its level and decay time.
In EX mode, you can add four extra drawbars to the traditional nine and assign
percussion to a mix of five drawbar pitches.
CX-3 does an exceptional job of modeling a Leslie rotary-speaker cabinet. You
can independently specify the slow and fast speeds of the horn and rotor and
control how long they take to accelerate and decelerate. You can program the
lengths of time it takes them to stop completely, and you can even set the phase
at which they stop. You can also specify distances and stereo spread for a pair
of simulated mics for the horn and another pair for the rotor.
Strings Attached
STR-1, the most recent addition to the OASYS's bundled EXi algorithms, is a
physical model of a struck, scraped, or plucked string. It synthesizes
traditional string timbres such as guitars, basses, harps, electric pianos, and
various ethnic instruments such as dulcimer and sitar, as well as unique pads
and effects. User parameters control various characteristics of the virtual
string such as damping, decay, dispersion, and harmonics.
A collection of 128 Programs accompanies STR-1, along with KARMA voicings that
take advantage of its real-time expressive capabilities. They sound uniformly
excellent and do a good job of showing off Korg's string-modeling technology,
but programming your own string sounds can be daunting. Although the Parameter
Guide describes dozens of parameter choices, it doesn't clearly explain how to
use many parameters to your advantage. The best way to learn, then, is to edit
existing Programs and listen to what happens.
Taste a Sample
Like the Triton, the OASYS is a fully functional sampler. You can record mono or
stereo samples to RAM or direct to disk through the analog or S/PDIF inputs. In
addition, you can rip samples from audio CDs or import Akai, AIFF, or WAV files.
The OASYS can digitally sample its own output, whether you're playing a Program,
a Combi, or a Song, either live or sequenced, and with or without KARMA or
effects processing. Once sampled, a sound can be used any way you use the
OASYS's native samples to create multisamples, one-shots, or wave sequences. You
can also time-slice, time-stretch, and perform other sample-editing procedures.
With the stock 1 GB of RAM installed, just over half is available for sampling
if you don't load any expansion (EXs) samples. If you load EXs1, 202 MB is
available, and if you load EXs2, you won't have any sampling memory unless you
add more RAM.
Catch a Wave
One of the OASYS's most creatively stimulating features is wave sequencing,
which plays a series of multisampled waveforms in succession to create evolving
textures or rhythmic phrases (see Web Clip 2). The Wavestation introduced wave
sequencing in 1990, and the Legacy Collection's soft synth Wavestation recently
updated it. Like the Legacy Collection, the OASYS furnishes all the
Wavestation's original waveforms.
Wave sequencing on the OASYS goes quite a bit further, allowing you to modulate
each step's position and duration in real time. At long last, stereo waves and
user samples are supported. Wave sequences can be as long as 64 steps, with
user-programmable parameters for each step such as pitch, level, start offset,
and crossfade time and shape. Wave sequences can loop forward or backward or
alternate in direction. They can also control Program parameters such as filter
cutoff or LFO rate, with two modulation settings for each step. The OASYS's
internal memory banks contain 150 rewritable wave sequences, and the user banks
generously provide locations for 224 of your own creations.
Improve Your KARMA
Just in case you've been asleep for the past five years, KARMA stands for Kay
Algorithmic Realtime Music Architecture and was developed by inventor Stephen
Kay. First introduced in Korg's Karma keyboard, KARMA uses software magic to
generate MIDI data that triggers notes, chords, and musical gestures in response
to your real-time input. For example, by playing keys and pads, pressing buttons,
turning knobs, and pushing sliders, you can control phrase dynamics and rhythmic
complexity or realistically simulate guitar strumming.
The sheer processing power of the OASYS allows KARMA to go considerably further
than previous versions while simplifying operation. More than 2,000 Generated
Effects (GEs) have been categorized into 13 Real-Time Control (RTC) Models. RTC
Models standardize which controllers are available on the control surface.
Learning 13 setups is much easier than memorizing different control layouts for
hundreds of individual GEs.
One KARMA Module containing a specific GE is available to each Program. On the
original Karma, Combis shared front-panel controls; the OASYS lets you switch
between four control-surface layers so that all the sliders and buttons are
available to each KARMA Module. As well as the four KARMA Module Layers, a Combi
or sequence has a Master Layer that controls aspects such as swing.
One OASYS-exclusive KARMA function is the ability to generate its own form of
wave sequencing. Just as it can trigger different notes or modulation parameters,
KARMA automatically triggers individual waveforms and pitches in a wave sequence,
one for each step in a KARMA pattern. KARMA-generated wave sequences can't
crossfade from one sample to another the way that standard wave sequences can,
but you can build complex and random timbre patterns triggered by a single note
or the press of a button.
Another new KARMA ability is Note Remapping, which lets you edit patterns in
real time by substituting individual instruments. For example, by moving a
slider, a pattern that plays a snare, kick, and hi-hat groove will play the same
drum pattern on sidestick, tom, and ride cymbal (see Web Clip 3).
Effects Department
The OASYS supplies 185 effects algorithms running the gamut from
mastering-quality dynamics and 3-band EQ to ToneWorks guitar-amp modeling and
stompbox classics such as flanging and chorus. It also features the Korg O-Verb,
which is one of my favorite stereo reverbs borrowed from the OASYS PCI. Other
outstanding effects include the Korg 01/W synthesizer's stereo waveshaper and
the Polysix's ensemble. Just about the only effect notably lacking is a
convolution reverb. Considering the OASYS's native expansion capabilities,
however, I would be surprised if such a reverb wasn't already well into
The OASYS can process Programs or even individual oscillators through as many as
12 stereo insert effects arranged in series, and you can route wet signals to
either the master or individual outputs. Two stereo master effects are routed to
the Send 1 and Send 2 bus, and they can be any effects type available as an
insert effect. In addition, the OASYS routes the master L/R outputs directly
through two Total Effects, which can also be any available effects type.
The OASYS can function as a 6-input, 10-output effects processor for external
audio, whether you're processing live performances or audio recordings (see Web
Clip 4). Additionally, the OASYS's two stereo FX Control Buses let you create
sidechains to control the vocoder and dynamics processors in response to audio
signals other than the signals being processed.
Hit Record
The OASYS offers 16-track audio and 16-track MIDI recording from a unified
graphical user interface. You can use the front-panel mixer to control levels
and panning and to enable tracks while recording or mixing. I was surprised that
you can record only four audio tracks at a time, especially considering that all
six inputs (four analog and two digital) are simultaneously available for
external effects processing.
You can apply any of the onboard effects to the audio tracks, and you can record
dry while monitoring through effects (if desired). You can also transfer audio
from computer-based DAWs by importing AIFF or WAV files into OASYS tracks. You
can insert time signatures at the beginning of any measure and tempo changes
anywhere in a song, and the MIDI sequencer lets you record tempo changes using a
tempo-tap function. Punch-ins and punch-outs can be manual or automated. In
addition, mixer automation is available, and like a computer-based DAW, the
OASYS lets you make recording passes that record automation data only.
Personalized song templates prepare the OASYS for multitrack sequencing at the
touch of a button by automatically assigning Programs, routing voices, and
arming tracks. Song templates include a selection of rhythm patterns for
assembling drum and percussion tracks. And for quickly capturing musical
sketches, just press the Enter button and then press Record.
Thanks to a well-designed user interface and detailed color graphics, the OASYS
effectively duplicates the experience of recording with a computer rather than
with a synthesizer. The OASYS supports 16-bit, 48 kHz recording, but because the
bit rate is limited by the software and not by the A/D/A converters, 24-bit
recording could someday be offered in an OS update. That's one update I would
like to see, because it would minimize bit-rate conversion when importing audio
tracks and samples from a computer.
Dream Machine
Hardly anyone (outside of Korg) mentions the OASYS without bringing up its
enormous price tag. Fortunately, you get what you pay for, and the OASYS
delivers more than any synthesizer workstation I've ever seen — more usable
features, better integration of those features, and more expandability than most
of its competitors. All its wonderful attributes will only add to your
frustration if you can't afford to own one, though. Anyone who makes serious
money by playing keyboards should at least consider buying an OASYS, and
commercial recording studios that don't own one will be at a real disadvantage.
Korg has invested so many resources into the technology behind the OASYS that I
expect it to be around for a while. The company's long history of growing its
flagship instruments assures me that the OASYS's expandability is more than just
marketing hype. In the next few months and years, Korg plans to offer more
expansion samples, instruments, and effects. During the time that I was writing
this review, Korg announced the STR-1 EXi and an OS update, both free of charge.
Don't expect all future upgrades to be free, though, just as you expect to pay
for your computer's new software.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with the OASYS. First and foremost, it's a blast to
play. It sounds fantastic, and I had a great time exploring its abilities. It
was as stable as any DSP-based synth I've ever used, and I didn't experience a
single crash, unlike what I expect with a computer-based workstation. Switching
Programs, effects, and modes was impressively speedy, and the large display (which
always stayed remarkably cool to the touch) made it easy to see what was going
on at all times.
The OASYS covers most of the territory you've grown accustomed to treading in a
computer-based music-production rig. It adds impressive traits such as vector
synthesis, a touch-screen interface, and realistic drawbar organ and analog
synth modeling. If you're likely to take advantage of KARMA, it's sure to take
your music to places it couldn't go otherwise. The built-in help is useful when
you're learning your way around an instrument as deep as the OASYS.
Along with its sound quality, functionality, and flexibility, the OASYS's depth
is the instrument's most impressive aspect. There are so many features that I've
been able to touch on a just few. (For additional information about the OASYS,
see Web Clip 5.) If you commit yourself to mastering the OASYS, you'll probably
spend months (if not years) discovering things that you never imagined it could
Dati tecnici:
yboard OASYS 88 88-key Real Weighted Hammer Action (RH2)
Tone Generator Internal PCM: HD-1 High Definition Synthesizer
EXi Analog Modeling: AL-1 Analog Synthesizer
Tonewheel Organ Modeling: CX-3 Tonewheel Organ
Maximum Polyphony (*1*2) HD-1: 172 voices (172 oscillators)
AL-1: 84 voices
CX-3: 172 voices
Number of Programs 1,664 user memory programs come preloaded
Number of Combinations 1,792 user memory combinations (384 come preloaded)
Number of Drumkits 152 user memory drumkit (40 come preloaded)
General MIDI 256 GM Level2 preset programs+ 9 GM Level2 drum preset programs
Preset PCM 314MB (1,505 multisamples, 1,376 drum samples)
Expansion PCM Libraries 313MB - EXs 1 ROM Expansion: 229 multisamples, 1,483
drum samples
503MB - EXs 2 Concert Grand Piano: 5 stereo multisamples
Capacity of PCM RAM (*3) 500MB
Wave 374 user memory, 150 preload
PCM Program Advanced Vector Synthesis Control oscillator volumes, synth
parameters, effect parameters via the Vector joystick and the tempo-synced
Vector Envelope
Structure Single: OSC1
Double: OSC1 and OSC2
Double mode lets you layer two completely separate synth voices, each with their
own velocity-switched oscillator, dual filters, EGs, LFOs, etc.
Oscillators 4 velocity zones per oscillator, with switching, crossfades and
layering. Each zone can play mono or stereo Multisamples or Wave Sequences.
Filters Two multi-mode filters per voice: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and
Four-mode filter routings: single, serial, parallel and 24dB mode
Driver Per voice non-linear driver and low boost circuit
EQ Three bands, with sweepable mid
Modulation Three envelope generators, two LFOs per voice, common LFO, four key
tracking generators, AMS (Alternate Modulation Source); modulate a large number
of synthesis parameters via LFOs, Envelopes, and real-time controllers. Two AMS
Mixers - combine and process AMS sources. Add, multiply, smooth, quantize, and
Drumkit Supports both stereo/ and mono drum samples, four-stage velocity switch/crossfade
EXi Program Common Advanced Vector Synthesis Control oscillator volumes and
synthesis & effects parameters via the Vector Joystick and the
tempo-synchronized Vector Envelope.
Modulation Common Step Sequencer: 32-step sequencer with smoothing, adjustable
step duration, and tempo synchronization. AMS (Alternate Modulation Source);
modulate a large number of synthesis parameters via LFOs, Envelopes, and
real-time controllers, Common LFO, 2 Key Tracking Generators.
EQ Three bands, with sweepable mid
AL-1 Analog Synthesizer Oscillators New design ultra-low-aliasing oscillators
OSC1, OSC2, Sub-oscillator and noise generator; ring modulation, FM, and Sync
Audio Input Run real-time audio through the synthesis engine, including ring mod,
filters, drive circuit, amp, and EQ
Filters Two multi-mode filter (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-reject)
with four types of filter routings (single, serial, parallel and 24dB mode)
MultiFilter mode (only Filter-A; modulateable mix of Low Pass, High Pass, Band
Pass, and dry input, for creating a wide variety of unique filter types and
Driver Per-voice non-linear driver and low boost circuit
Modulation Five Envelope generators, four per-voice LFOs, two Key Tracking
generators, and two AMS Mixers.Per-voice
Step Sequencer: 32-step sequencer with smoothing, adjustable step duration, and
tempo synchronization.
CX-3 Tonewheel Organ Tonewheel Organ Modeling A further evolution of Korg's
acclaimed CX-3. Phase-synchronous tonewheels (clean and vintage modes),
percussion, key click, wheel brake.
EX Mode Four additional, user-specified drawbars, and expanded percussion.
Internal Effects Rotary speaker, vibrato/chorus, amp modeling with overdrive,
3-band EQ
Drawbar Controlled via nine front-panel sliders
Split Upper, Lower
Modulation Two AMS mixers
Combination Number of Timbres 16 Maximum
Master Keyboard Functionality Keyboard and velocity splits, layers, and
crossfades of up to 16 Programs and/or external MIDI devices
Advanced Vector Synthesis Control oscillator volumes and synthesis & effects
parameters via the Vector Joystick and the tempo-synchronized Vector Envelope.
Sampling System Open Sampling System (resampling, In-Track sampling)
16bit/48kHz stereo/mono samping, maximum 512MB memory
4,000 samples/1,000 multisamples (128 indexes per multisample)
Direct sampling (ripping) from audio CD (CD-DA)
Able to load Korg format, AKAI S1000/S3000 data (with advanced Program parameter
conversion), AIFF, and WAVE formats
Time Stretch, Time Slice, Crossfade Loop, and other standard editing features
Effects Insert Effects 12 Insert Effects; in-line processing, stereo in / stereo
Master Effects Two Master Effects; two effects sends, stereo in / stereo out.
Total Effects Two Total Effects; for overall processing on the main outputs,
such as compression, limiting, and EQ; stereo in / stereo out.
Timber EQ High, low, and sweepable mid band. Per Program in Program Mode, per
Timbre in Combi mode (16 total), and per Track in Sequence mode (32 total).
Effect Types 185 types (Every type can be used as an insert, master or total
Dynamic Modulation Real-time control of effects parameters.
Common LFO Synchronized LFO modulation of multiple effects.
Effects Control Busses Two stereo side chains (for compressors, gates, vocoders,
Record Busses Two stereo busses (for sampling and recording).
KARMA KARMA*** Modules One module in Program mode, four modules in Combination
and Sequencer modes; independent, programmable real-time control settings for
each Module.
Generated Effects (GE) 2,000 presets. New RTC (Real Time Controller) Models
provide more consistent control of KARMA parameters.
CONTROL SLIDERS [1] - [8], KARMA SCENE [1] - [8], KARMA SWITCHES [1] - [8],
KARMA Waveform Control function, GE Sub-Category function, Auto RTC (Real Time
Control) setup function.
KARMA Waveform Control (change Multisamples via the KARMA engine), GE
Sub-Categories, Free Randomize function, Time Signature Control, Tempo
synchronization, Auto RTC (Real Time Control) setup.
/HDR Tracks 16-track MIDI sequencer + 16-track hard disk recorder + master track.
Number of Songs 200 songs
Resolution 1-192 ppq
Tempo 40.00 – 240.00 (1/100 BPM resolution)
Maximum Memory 400,000 MIDI events or 300,000 audio events
MIDI Tracks 16 tracks plus the master track
150 preset/100 user patterns (per song)
16 preset/16 user template songs
Format: Korg (OASYS) format, SMF formats 0 and 1
Audio Tracks 16-track playback, 4-track simultaneous recording WAV file format
Maximum single-file recording time (mono): 80 minutes Automation: Volume, Pan,
EQ, and Send1/2 5,000 regions (max.), Event Anchors , BPM Adjust.
RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play & Record 1 Pattern set per song
Controllers Performance Controllers Vector joystick
Korg Joystick
Ribbon controller
Switches 1 & 2
Pads 1-8 Velocity-sensitive drum pads and chord triggers
Control Surface CONTROL ASSIGN Switches Assigns the Control Surface to TIMBRE/TRACK,
MIXER KNOBS Switch Assigns the Mixer Knobs to either CHANNEL STRIP or INDIVIDUAL
Knobs 1-8 (w/LED value indicators) 1-192 ppq
Switches 1-8 (Upper Row) Channel Strip, Individual Pan, External MIDI, Realtime
modulation, Tone Adjust.
Switches 1-8 (Lower Row) Select/Solo, External MIDI, KARMA Switches, Tone Adjust
Master Slider Volume, External MIDI, Tone Adjust
Disk Mode Load, save, utility, audio CD burning, audio CD playback, data filer
function (save/load MIDI System Exclusive data),CDs (UDF format read/write),
ISO9660 Level 1.
Display TouchView graphical user interface, 10.4 inch TFT, 640x480 dots,
adjustable angle.
Audio Connections (all are 24-bit) Outputs Main Outputs (L/MONO, R): 1/4
Unbalanced; 1.1 k Stereo; 550 Mono (L/MONO Only)
Individual 1-8: Max. output level: less than +18.5dBu (when load impedance is
Headphones: 1/4 stereo phone jack, output
S/PDIF: Optical, 24-bit, IEC60958, EIAJCP-1201, 48kHz or 96kHz
EXB-DI (optional ADAT** Output): ADAT format Output: 24-bit, 48kHz, 8-Channel;
BNC Word Clock In
Inputs 1 & 2 XLR-1/4 phone combi jacks (balanced), MIC/LINE switches, level
control knobs, phantom power switches
Inputs 3 & 4 1/4 phone jacks (unbalanced)
S/PDIF Optical, 24-bit
Other I/O Control Damper pedal (half damper supported), assignable switch,
assignable pedal
MIDI: In, Out, Thru
USB: Four high-speed USB 2.0 A connectors (for external USB devices)
Disk Drives Hard Drive 40GB HDD (2.5)
Optical CD-R/RW
Dimensions OASYS (76-key) 49.84 (W) x 19.06 (D) x 5.31
OASYS (88-key) 57.40 x 19.06 (D) x 5.31
Weight OASYS (76-key) 56.44 lbs
OASYS (88-key) 70.99 lbs
Manuale Korg
Oasys Semplicifcato.
Manuale Korg Oasys Completo scaricabile da qui
o da qui
A buon intenditor, poche parole. A intenditor che sa, musica per le orecchie e scienza per la mente....
Jedi Simon copyright 2012 Si ringrazia la Korg per il grande lavoro svolto in tutti questi anni, e per il manuale.
Dopo questa Workstation uscita nel 2006, nessuno tentò mai di eguagliare
questo sforzo e non parliamo di superarlo, in termini di qualità dei materiali,
suono dei campioni, effetti, ecc...
La stessa spazialità in 3d dei suoni, la completezza dello strumento, lo spettro
armonico dei suoni, resteranno iscritte nella storia della sintesi musicale del
Le capacità delle nuove tastiere, più leggere, snelle, e maggiormente
performanti per quel che riguarda la velocità dei processori, non la eguagliano.